
CPC certification online – Free CPC mock test 2024

The American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) offers CPC certification online exams for individuals who want to become certified coders or billers. These exams are designed to assess the knowledge and skills necessary to be an effective and efficient coder or biller in a medical environment. In this article, you’ll find Free CPC mock test 2023 for CPC certification online.

CPC certification Online

CPC certification online is offered by the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) and is recognized as one of the most important certifications for medical coders. The CPC certification demonstrates a coder’s proficiency in coding medical diagnoses and procedures using the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) coding systems.

While there are traditional in-person options for CPC certification, the AAPC also offers the CPC certification online. This option allows coders to study and prepare for the exam at their own pace and on their own schedule.

To begin the CPC certification online process, individuals must first become a member of the AAPC. Once they have joined, they can purchase the online course materials and begin studying. The online course includes comprehensive study guides, practice exams, and access to AAPC-approved instructors who can provide guidance and answer any questions.

Is AAPC certification Online worth it?

CPC certification online cover a wide range of topics including medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, ICD-10-CM, HCPCS, CPT, and insurance billing. The exams are generally multiple-choice and are timed, with the amount of time varying depending on the specific exam being taken.

How to prepare for AAPC CPC exam?

The AAPC offers several certification exams, including the CPC certification online exam, Certified Professional Coder – Hospital Outpatient (CPC-H), Certified Professional Coder – Payer (CPC-P), Certified Risk Adjustment Coder (CRC), Certified Documentation Expert – Outpatient (CDEO), Certified Professional Medical Auditor (CPMA), and Certified Professional Biller (CPB).

AAPC CPC requirements for AAPC CPC exam

To be eligible to take an CPC certification online, individuals must meet certain prerequisites. For example, to take the CPC certification online exam, individuals must have at least two years of experience in medical coding or equivalent education. Other prerequisites may include completion of a medical coding program or specific courses.

Once an individual has met the prerequisites and registered for an AAPC certification exam, they will receive a study guide and other materials to help them prepare for the exam. It is recommended that individuals spend several months studying for the exam, as the material can be complex and detailed.

On the day of the exam, individuals will need to bring two forms of identification, including one government-issued photo ID. The exam will be administered on a computer and the results will be available immediately upon completion. Individuals who pass the exam will receive a certificate indicating their certification status.

CPC certification online is valid for one year and must be renewed annually. To renew their certification, individuals must complete a certain number of continuing education units (CEUs) each year. These CEUs can be earned through attending seminars, completing online courses, or participating in other approved activities.

In conclusion, CPC certification online are a way for individuals to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in medical coding and billing. These exams are rigorous and require a significant amount of preparation, but can lead to increased job opportunities and higher salaries in the medical coding and billing field.

How many Questions are on the CPC certification online exam?

CPC certification online exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions. Out of these 150 questions, 125 are scored questions and the remaining 25 are pretest questions that are not scored. The pretest questions are included to test the feasibility of new questions and do not contribute to the candidate’s final score. Candidates have 5 hours & 40 mins to complete the CPC certification online Exam.

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CPC Answers and Questions for CPC certification online

10000 series CPT Questions for CPC certification online

1- The patient is placed under general anesthesia for partial mastectomy. The doctor makes a minor cut on his breast. Once the doctor gains access to the tumor, he removes the lesion including a surrounding portion of the breast without removing entire lymph nodes. The doctor then closes the cut with sutures to make sure that the breast looks as normal as possible. He also attached a drain to the breast. The drain stayed there for two weeks. The drain also required to be emptied 2-3 times every day. How should you report this service?

  1. 10301
  2. 19301
  3. 12452
  4. 19302

2- For drainage of the Skin Abscess to clear the infection, the patient had a small operation carried out under local anesthetic where she remained awake, and the area around the abscess was made numb. During this procedure, the medical professional makes small cuts into the abscess to let the puss drain out. Which CPT code is used here? 

  1. 10069
  2. 10061
  3. 19993
  4. 17831

3- After a minor accident, Anny noticed bleeding under her nail which caused discoloration, pressure, and pain. She went to see her physician. Dr. James pierced a hole in the nail of the patient to let the blood drain and relieve pressure. Which CPT code is applied here? 

  1. 11741
  2. 11740
  3. 11739
  4. 11738

4- Mr. Smith had nail problems that hadn’t got better. He underwent a medical procedure where his Medical provider gave him a shot of local anesthesia to numb the area of the affected nail and then washed the affected area with alcohol. After 15 minutes, his doctor removed a piece of his nail palate using a simple avulsion technique and then bandaged the wound with antibiotic ointment. Which CPT code is used here? 

  1. 19125
  2. 11730
  3. 19126
  4. 11731

5- To perform a mammary galactogram to image the mammary ducts of the breast of the patient, the medical professional injected a contrast agest into her breast. How should you report this medical procedure?

  1. 19010
  2. 19020
  3. 19030
  4. 19040

6- Which CPT code is used when the medical professional removes a foreign body from the lower layer of skin for example a thorn, piece of wood, sliver of glass, or fishhook?

  1. 10121
  2. 10120
  3. 10119
  4. 10118

20000 series CPT Questions for CPC certification online

1- Harry fell from the stairs and his shoulder joint got dislocated. Dr.Rich performed a closed treatment of shoulder dislocation where he manipulated and adjusted the separated bones without using general anesthesia. How should you report Dr. Rich’s medical procedure?

  1. 23650 
  2. 24670 
  3. 26620 
  4. 26620 

2- To control infection and prevent the further spread of infection, the medical professional excised the diseased bone of the patient suffering from mandibular osteomyelitis wherein due to bacterial infection in her tooth, her facial bone and surrounding soft tissues became inflamed. Which CPT code should you report here?

  1. 21020
  2. 21025
  3. 21030
  4. 21035

3- For the treatment of venous stasis ulcers and venous insufficiency, Dr. Arnold applied a bandage layer to the lower leg, foot, and ankle of the patient. This multilayered compression system controls the flow of blood in the extremity and swelling is reduced which provide a stable environment for ulcer healing. Which CPT code is applied here?

  1. 29581
  2. 29585
  3. 29587
  4. 21567

5- For stabilization of the fracture before surgical repair, the healthcare professional applied a static splint to the lower arm which was extended from the elbow to the palm. Which CPT code is applied here?

  1. 29123
  2. 29124
  3. 29125
  4. 29126

6- For treating a flexion contracture causing an abnormally bent finger, the healthcare professional applied a cast encasing the middle joint of a patient’s finger. This application protected the injured area from more harm. Which CPT code is used here?

  1. 29085
  2. 29086
  3. 29087
  4. 29088

30000 series CPT Questions for CPC certification online

1- A person who had stabbing chest pain and cough that produce mucus underwent the procedure of flexible bronchoscopy. His healthcare professional passed the bronchoscope (including fluoroscopic guidance) slowly down the back of his throat, through the vocal cords, and into the airways. In a bronchoscopy, his medical professional found an abnormal area which he biopsied, and conclude that he had a malignant neoplasm of the bronchus. Which CPT, ICd-10, and hcpcs code is used here? 

  1. 31622, C7509
  2. 31622, C7510
  3. 31622, C7511
  4. 31622, C7512

2- To diagnose the disease of the patient, the healthcare professional punctures the artery of the patient and withdraws the blood. This blood is then sent to the pathology lab for testing. Which CPT code is used here?

  1. 35500
  2. 36600
  3. 37700
  4. 38800

3- For the purpose of heart rate monitoring, sampling, continuous real-time blood pressure, or transfusion, the healthcare providers usually make an incision in the skin to locate the artery and then place the catheter into the artery. Which CPT code is applied here?

  1. 36623
  2. 36624
  3. 36625
  4. 36626

4- For prolonged infusion therapy, Dr.Steward made an incision in the skin for locating the artery, dissected tissue around the artery to make it accessible, and then inserted a catheter into the artery. How should you report this medical procedure?

  1. 36640
  2. 36625
  3. 36660
  4. 36213

5- For the purpose of quickly administering medication directly into circulation, the doctor inserted a catheter into one of the two arteries of the newborn’s umbilical cord. Which CPT code is applied here?

  1. 36640
  2. 36625
  3. 36660
  4. 36213

6- To infuse drugs directly into the bone marrow of the patient when it is difficult to access intravenous, medical professionals usually insert a needle directly into the patient’s bone marrow. How should you report this procedure?

  1. 36640
  2. 36660
  3. 36680
  4. 36620

40000 series CPT Questions for CPC certification online

1- For diagnostic analysis of the upper GI tract of a patient who suffered from symptoms of prolonged nausea and vomiting, difficulty in swallowing, anemia, and unexplained weight loss, Dr. Harry inserted a flexible endoscope through the mouth down into the esophagus and duodenum and then removed one or more tissues as biopsy specimens. Which CPT code is applied here?

  1. 43238
  2. 43239
  3. 43240
  4. 43241

2- For diagnostic analysis of the upper GI tract of a patient who suffered from symptoms of prolonged nausea and vomiting, difficulty in swallowing, anemia, and unexplained weight loss, Dr. Harry inserted a flexible endoscope through the mouth down into the esophagus and duodenum, and then drained a pseudocyst, during which he also performed an endoscopic ultrasound and placed a transmural stent or catheter. Which CPT code is applied here?

  1. 43238
  2. 43239
  3. 43240
  4. 43241

3- For diagnostic analysis of the upper GI tract of a patient who suffered from symptoms of prolonged nausea and vomiting, difficulty in swallowing, anemia, and unexplained weight loss, Dr. Harry inserted a flexible endoscope through the mouth down into the esophagus and duodenum, and then inserted a tube, such as a drainage catheter, through the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract. Which CPT code is applied here?

  1. 43238
  2. 43239
  3. 43240
  4. 43241

6- To treat the gallbladder disease of a patient who had the symptoms of jaundice, dark urine, nausea, vomiting, and pain in the upper GI tract, the medical professional inserted a laparoscope (a tubular instrument with a camera and a light source) through the abdominal wall and removed the gallbladder. How should you report this procedure?

  1. 47556
  2. 47562
  3. 47563
  4. 47564

10000 series CPT Questions for CPC certification online

1- A small incision is made in the abdomen in the navel or near the navel of a patient who suffered from Ectopic pregnancy. The medical professional used a thin tube equipped with a laparoscope and camera lens to view the tubal area. The medical professional used the technique of salpingostomy and removed ectopic pregnancy and left the tube to heal on its own. Which CPT and ICD-10 code is used here?

  1. 52310, 000.9
  2. 59151, 000.9
  3. 52276, 000.8
  4. 51701, 000.8

2- In a testing room, an anesthetic jelly is applied to numb the patient’s urethra. After that, a hollow tube equipped with a lens is inserted into his urethra and slowly advanced into his bladder in order to perform a cystoscopy. Dr. James performed this procedure to examine the lining of the patient’s bladder and urethra to know the cause of painful urination. Which CPT code is used here? 

  1. 52405
  2. 53882
  3. 52005
  4. 52006

3- Aina had a miscarriage accompanied by heavy bleeding. She underwent minor surgical treatment where her healthcare professional dilates her cervix and removes tissue from the inside of her uterus. How should you report this healthcare service?

  1. 59811
  2. 59812
  3. 59877
  4. 54991

4- Which CPT code is used when the medical professional measures the fetus’ heart rate in response to its own movements?

  1. 59020
  2. 59025
  3. 59030
  4. 59035

5- At the same time as ultrasound or X-ray imaging, the medical professional introduces a catheter with saline into the women’s fallopian tubes or uterus. This procedure was done to diagnose the fallopian tube or uterus for abnormality or blockage. How should you report this service?

  1. 58335
  2. 58338
  3. 58340
  4. 58345

6- To diagnose or clear the blockage of the tube, the healthcare professional introduced a catheter through the cervix and into the fallopian tube. During this procedure, He also included an injection of contrast material and used an X-ray in a procedure known as a hysterosalpingogram to evaluate the uterus for blockage or abnormalities. This procedure was done to treat infertility. How should you report this procedure?

  1. 58335
  2. 58338
  3. 58340
  4. 58345

60000 series CPT Questions for CPC certification online

1- Dr. Yuan injected an anesthetic agent or steroid in the form of a transforaminal epidural into the single-level lumbar level to the patient for the purpose of diagnosis of somatic nerves. Which CPT code is used here?

  1. 64483
  2. 64484
  3. 64485
  4. 64486

2- For diagnosis of Paravertebral spinal branches and nerves, Rosy who suffered from spinal pain underwent a medical procedure where her doctor injected a therapeutic agent into the facet joint which is the joint that connects two spinal vertebrae together at the sacral or lumbar level. Her Doctor also used the imaging guidance of either a CT scan or fluoroscopy. This procedure was done to know the exact source of pain or to treat spinal pain. Which CPT code is used here?

  1. 64492
  2. 64493
  3. 64494
  4. 64495

3- For diagnosis of Paravertebral spinal branches and nerves, Rosy who suffered from spinal pain underwent a medical procedure where her doctor injected a therapeutic agent into the facet joint which is the joint that connects two spinal vertebrae together at the sacral or lumbar level. Her Doctor also used the imaging guidance of either a CT scan or fluoroscopy. Here the doctor also injected the second additional level after an initial separately reported injection. This procedure was done to know the exact source of pain or to treat spinal pain. Which CPT code is used here?

  1. 64492
  2. 64493
  3. 64494
  4. 64495

4-  For diagnosis of Paravertebral spinal branches and nerves, Rosy who suffered from spinal pain underwent a medical procedure where her doctor injected a therapeutic agent into the facet joint which is the joint that connects two spinal vertebrae together at the sacral or lumbar level. Her Doctor also used the imaging guidance of either a CT scan or fluoroscopy. Here the doctor also injected the third additional level after two initial separately reported injections. This procedure was done to know the exact source of pain or to treat spinal pain. Which CPT code is used here?

  1. 64492
  2. 64493
  3. 64494
  4. 64495

5Under imaging guidance, the healthcare professional injected a therapeutic or diagnostic substance such as a steroid or medication into the spaces around the spinal nerves of the sacral or lumbar region of the patient. To facilitate the injection, He also inserted the catheter or needle. How should you report this medical procedure?

  1. 62321
  2. 62322
  3. 62323
  4. 62324

6- Under imaging guidance, the healthcare professional injected a therapeutic or diagnostic substance such as a steroid or medication into the spaces around the spinal nerves of the cervical or thoracic region of the patient. To facilitate the injection, He also inserted the catheter or needle. How should you report this medical procedure?

  1. 62321
  2. 62322
  3. 62323
  4. 62324

Evaluation and Management CPT Questions for CPC certification online

1- The Medical professional sees a new patient for an outpatient visit or an office visit requiring evaluation and management. The visit included straightforward medical decision making and the medical professional also spent 15-29 minutes of total time on the encounter on a single date. How should you report this service?

  1. 99202
  2. 99203
  3. 99204
  4. 99205

2- How should you report evaluation and management services for which there is no code available?

  1. 99490
  2. 99498
  3. 99499
  4. 99489

3- The patient had two or more chronic conditions that place him at significant risk of death, decompensation, acute exacerbation, or functional decline. The clinical staff coordinates and support patient care across multiple disciplines according to the instruction of Medical professional. Which Code is usually used for the 1st 20 minutes of medical professional-directed clinical staff time per calendar month?

  1. 99490
  2. 99498
  3. 99499
  4. 99491

4- Harry was at significant risk of death, decompensation, acute exacerbation, or functional decline because of two or more chronic diseases. His Medical professional personally directs the evaluation and management of him. Which Code is usually used for the 1st 30 minutes of medical professional time per calendar month?

  1. 99490
  2. 99491
  3. 99437
  4. 99440

5- Harry was at significant risk of death, decompensation, acute exacerbation, or functional decline because of two or more chronic diseases. His Medical professional personally directs the evaluation and management of him. Which Code is usually used for additional  30 minutes of medical professional time per calendar month beyond the first 30 minutes?

  1. 99490
  2. 99491
  3. 99437
  4. 99440

6- Regarding the future healthcare needs of the patient, Dr. Peter discussed and shared planning with the patient and his family or with an individual representing the patient. Which code is used for the first 30 mins of face-to-face time that Dr. Peter spends?

  1. 99496
  2. 99497
  3. 99498
  4. 99499

Anesthesia CPT Questions for CPC certification online

1- Anesthesia services are provided for a patient who is undergoing radical procedures for pelvis tumors other than hindquarter amputation. How should you report this service?

  1. 01140
  2. 01150
  3. 01160
  4. 01170

2- Anesthesia services are provided for a patient who is undergoing inter-pelvis amputation which is the removal of the entire lower limb as well as one-half of the pelvis. How should you report this service?

  1. 01140
  2. 01150
  3. 01160
  4. 01170

3- Anesthesia services are provided for a patient who is undergoing closed procedures counting the symphysis pubis or sacroiliac joint. How should you report this service?

  1. 01140
  2. 01150
  3. 01160
  4. 01170

4- Anesthesia services are provided for a patient who is undergoing open procedures counting the symphysis pubis or sacroiliac joint. How should you report this service?

  1. 01140
  2. 01150
  3. 01160
  4. 01170

Radiology CPT Questions for CPC certification online

1- How should you report radiopharmaceutical therapy procedures that don’t have any specified code?

  1. 79445
  2. 79999
  3. 77261
  4. 77356

2- For diagnostic purposes, the healthcare professional performed digital tomosynthesis on one breast. This process of digital mammography separates very thin layers of breast tissues for achieving a clear view of the individual structure of the breast. Which CPT code is used here?

  1. 77060
  2. 77061
  3. 77062
  4. 77062

3- A ductogram also called galactrogram is used to see breast ducts and is also quite helpful in the diagnosis of ductal ectasia, nipple discharge, fibrocystic changes, and breast cancer. Which code should you use for the interpretation of ductogram on multiple ducts for radiological supervision? 

  1. 77054
  2. 77053
  3. 77074
  4. 77073

4- A ductogram also called galactrogram is used to see breast ducts and is also quite helpful in the diagnosis of ductal ectasia, nipple discharge, fibrocystic changes, and breast cancer. Which code should you use for the interpretation of ductogram on single duct for radiological supervision? 

  1. 77054
  2. 77053
  3. 77074
  4. 77073

5- Through the use of radiofrequency waves and an external magnetic field, the medical provider obtains three-dimensional images (with or without contrast) of both breasts. He also performed real-time CAD (computer-aided design). How should you report this service?

  1. 77049
  2. 77053
  3. 77048
  4. 77061

6- Through the use of radiofrequency waves and an external magnetic field, the medical provider obtains three-dimensional images (with or without contrast) of one breast. He also performed real-time CAD (computer-aided design). How should you report this service?

  1. 77049
  2. 77053
  3. 77048
  4. 77061

Laboratory/Pathology CPT Questions for CPC certification online

1- In a pathology lab, the lab technician performed a CMP or comprehensive metabolic panel in which he measured the blood levels of 14 chemicals and the code descriptor lists for the panel. CMP provides comprehensive information about the patient’s metabolism and chemical balance. Which CPT code should you report for CMP?

  1. 80051
  2. 80053
  3. 80055
  4. 80081

2- In a laboratory procedure, the lab technician performed an obstetric panel where different tests are included such as CBC (complete blood count), a qualitative nontreponemal syphilis test, a rubella test, a hepatitis B surface antigens, an RBC antibody screen, Rh typing, and ABO blood typing. Which CPT code is applied here?

  1. 80051
  2. 80053
  3. 80055
  4. 80081

3- In a laboratory procedure, the lab technician performed an obstetric panel where different tests are included such as CBC (complete blood count), a single result test for HIV-1 antigens and antibodies for HIV-1 and HIV-2, a qualitative nontreponemal syphilis test, a rubella test, a hepatitis B surface antigens, an RBC antibody screen, Rh typing, and ABO blood typing. Which CPT code is applied here?

  1. 80051
  2. 80053
  3. 80055
  4. 80081

4- The pathologist provides consultation at the request of a doctor or another qualified healthcare professional for a clinical issue that is moderately complicated and calls for a moderate level of medical judgment to help interpret test results. The consultation also involves a review of the patient’s medical history. Which CPT code should you choose based on the 21–40 minutes that were recorded on the consultation date?

  1. 80502
  2. 80503
  3. 80504
  4. 80505

5- The pathologist provides consultation at the request of a doctor or another qualified healthcare professional for a clinical issue that is highly complicated and calls for a high level of medical judgment to help interpret test results. The consultation also involves a review of the patient’s medical history. Which CPT code should you choose based on the 41-60  minutes that were recorded on the consultation date?

  1. 80502
  2. 80503
  3. 80504
  4. 80505

6- In the context of new information that was not accessible at the time of the initial evaluation, including new clinical information or evidence of an extraneous condition, the lab technician reconsiders an existing patient’s exome gene sequence. Which CPT code is applied here?

  1. 81416
  2. 81417
  3. 81420
  4. 81424

Medicine CPT Questions

1- Which code should you use for BIG-IV (Botulism Immune Globulin Intravenous) which is derived from aggregated adult plasma that has been given a pentavalent botulinum toxoid immunization? Immunoglobulin is made by specific cells in the body to create passive immunity and protect against different types of infections. 

  1. 90288
  1. 90281
  2. 90286
  3. 90284

2- If the medical provider visits the patient at home to administer a specialty drug or to provide an infusion, which CPT code should you report for the first two hours of the visit?

  1. 99600
  2. 99601
  3. 99602
  4. 99603

3- If the medical provider visits the patient at home to administer a specialty drug or to provide an infusion, which CPT code should you report for the additional hours of visit after the first two hours?

  1. 99600
  2. 99601
  3. 99602
  4. 99603

4- If the medical provider visits the patient at home for hemodialysis which is a technique for the removal of waste from blood of a patient suffering from kidney failure. Which CPT code is applied here?

  1. 99510
  2. 99511
  3. 95512
  4. 99561

5- The Medical professional performed a brief intervention while spending 15-30 minutes screening a patient for alcohol abuse or other non-tobacco substances. Which CPT code is applied here?

  1. 99407
  2. 99408
  3. 99409
  4. 99500

6- Which CPT code should you use for the counseling of the patient and medical provider on how to stop the use of tobacco that lasts for more than 10 minutes?

  1. 99407
  2. 99408
  3. 99409
  4. 99500

Medical terminology CPT Questions for CPC certification online

1- A swab test that medical professionals normally use to check the health status of the cervix is known as the Smear test. What is the other name of this test? 

  1. Biopsy
  2. Colposcopy
  3. Cervical Screening
  4. Cervical Cancer Screening

2- A small sample can be taken with a needle inserted into the womb through the abdomen to examine the fluid surrounding a baby while it is still inside the mother. It can be used to identify some conditions, like Down syndrome, after the 15th week of pregnancy. How should you define this process?

  1. Adenomyosis
  2. Amniocentesis
  3. Anthracyclines
  4. Autoimmune response

3- A newborn who had less oxygen around the time of birth might not breathe properly and might have a slow heartbeat. Which term best describes this?

  1. Bicornuate uterus
  2. Brachial plexus injury
  3. Birth asphyxia
  4. BRCA

4- Which is a sexually transmitted illness that, if left untreated, can harm both men’s and women’s reproductive systems? Treatment for this disease involves medications. Both parties need medical attention.

  1. Chorioamnionitis
  2. Chromosomal abnormality
  3. Chlamydia trachomatis
  4. Cephalhaematoma

Anatomy CPT Questions for CPC certification online

1- Which anatomical term best describes the intermingling of nerve fibers from spinal levels or different areas?

  1. Ganglia
  2. Plexus
  3. Episiotomy
  4. Erb’s palsy

2- If the sympathetic fibers leave or re-enter into spinal nerves. This condition is known as?

  1. Preganglionic neurons
  2. Postganglionic neurons
  3. Rami communication
  4. Both A and B

3- Which is the type of muscle that is involuntary and is mainly found in the urinary and digestive systems?

  1. Skeletal muscles
  2. Smooth muscles
  3. Cardiac muscles
  4. Both A and C

4- Which bone is typically thin and is often curved

  1. Long bone
  2. Short bone
  3. Flat bone
  4. Irregular bone

Icd-10 CM/diagnosis CPC Questions for CPC certification online

1- During the C-section, the doctor made a vertical incision in the abdominal wall near the pubic hairline. Then the uterine incision is made horizontally across the lower part of the abdomen. The mother gave birth to twin live-born infants through these incisions. Which CPT and ICD-10 CM codes are used here?

  1. 59510, z38.31
  2. 59510, z37.45
  3. 59510, z38.78
  4. 59510, z37.32

2- Using general anesthesia, MRI or X-ray was performed on the patient’s maxilla or upper jaw bone for the diagnosis of an abnormal mass or tumor causing blockage of the sinus, reduced sense of smell, and facial pain localized to the cheek. The healthcare professional performed an open surgical procedure for the removal of the maxillary tumor through an extraoral approach i.e. via skin. Which CPT and ICD-10 CM codes are used here?

  1. 21034, C03.0
  2. 21034, C31.0
  3. 21034, C31.3
  4. 21038, C30.1

3- The medical provider excise the torus palatinus of the patient having symptoms of difficulty in chewing and swallowing, and painless lumps at the top of the mouth with the help of a scalpel to remove the abnormal growth of bone of the hard palate which was identified through CT scan. Which CPT and ICD-10 CM codes are used here?

  1. 21032, M27.0
  2. 21032, M27.1
  3. 21032, M27.3
  4. 21034, M27.4

4- Through biopsy, the medical professional diagnoses fibrous dysplasia in a patient causing the abnormal shape of the bone and surrounding soft tissues. The medical professional used a surgical contouring technique for the removal of benign tumors to treat fibrous dysplasia. Which CPT and ICD-10 CM codes are used here?

  1. 21028, M27.4
  2. 21029, M27.8
  3. 21029, M27.1
  4. 21034, M27.8

5- To control infection and prevent the further spread of infection, the medical professional excised the diseased bone of the patient suffering from osteomyelitis wherein due to bacterial infection in her tooth, her facial bone and surrounding soft tissues became inflamed. Which CPT and ICD-10 CM codes should you report here?

  1. 21026, M27.2
  2. 21029, M27.8
  3. 21026, M27.1
  4. 21026, M27.4

HCPCS level 3 CPC Questions for CPC certification online

1- Using general anesthesia, MRI and biopsy were performed on the patient’s maxilla for the diagnosis of a tumor or abnormal mass that causes blockage of the sinus, reduced sense of smell, and facial pain localized to the cheek. The medical professional performed an open surgical procedure through an extraoral approach i.e. via skin to remove the maxillary tumor. Which CPT and ICD-10 CM codes are used here?

  1. 21034, C03.0
  2. 21034, C31.0
  3. 21034, C30.0
  4. 21034, C07.0

2- To control infection and prevent the further spread of infection, the medical professional excised the diseased bone of the patient suffering from mandibular osteomyelitis wherein due to bacterial infection in her tooth, her facial bone and surrounding soft tissues became inflamed. Which CPT code should you report here?

  1. 21020
  2. 21025
  3. 21030
  4. 21035

3- A person who had stabbing chest pain and cough that produce mucus underwent the procedure of flexible bronchoscopy. His healthcare professional passed the bronchoscope (including fluoroscopic guidance) slowly down the back of his throat, through the vocal cords, and into the airways. He also performed cell washing in which he obtained a sample of suspicious cells for diagnostic purposes. Which CPT and hcpcs codes are used here?

  1. 31622, C7509
  2. 31622, C7510
  3. 31622, C7511
  4. 31622, C7512

4- Through biopsy, the medical professional diagnosed fibrous dysplasia in a patient causing the abnormal shape of the bone and surrounding soft tissues. The medical professional used a surgical contouring technique for the removal of benign tumors to treat fibrous dysplasia. Which CPT and ICD-10 CM codes are used here?

  1. 21028, M27.4
  2. 21029, M85.0
  3. 21029, M78.1
  4. 21034, M27.8

5- A 42-year-old patient had a hearing loss problem in her left ear. She underwent a medical procedure where her medical professional implanted an electromagnetic bone conduction hearing device in her temporal bone for the treatment of conductive hearing loss. The device was operated by passing an electric current into a coil that drives an adjacent magnet attached to one of the vibratory structures of the middle ear. Which CPT and ICD-10-cm codes are used here? 

  1. 69610, H91.8X1
  2. 69710, H91.8X2
  3. 69810, H91.8X3
  4. 69910, H91.8X4

6- A patient who had renal failure underwent a surgical procedure where the provider surgically opened an autogenous arteriovenous fistula located in the forearm and revised the connection between the artery and the vein for dialysis purposes. If the provider also uses thrombectomy during this process what Cpt, ICD-10-cm, and hcpcs codes are used here? 

  1. 36822, 176.0, V7
  2. 36833, 177.0, V7
  3. 36844, 178.0, V7
  4. 36855, 179.0, V7

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