

Often employees use a resume as an elevator to reach the heights of success. But a poorly constructed resume is of no use. It drags the applicants to the deepest pits of disappointment., which is why it is essential to know the key elements to include while writing a resume.

Students and freshers who are looking for jobs tend to come up with some hit strategies to strike the attention of recruiters. Otherwise, most of the time these resumes are thrown straight away in dustbins.

Use your resume to bridge the gap between you and your recruiter. Tell them why you are a potential client, what makes you unique from others, mention your skills and compatibilities in your resume. You also need to draw their attention by telling them about the prospects you are bringing to the company – because one thing is decided, employers won’t hire you if you are no good to them.

There is a fine line between a resume and a CV. Students mix up these two. They send the resume where a CV has been required and vice versa. To eliminate the confusion, we have highlighted down what a Resume is.

What is a resume?

A resume is a professional document that summarizes your prospects, including relevant job experience, qualifications, skills, and significant achievements. A resume, which is usually accompanied by a cover letter, helps you exhibit your skills and persuade companies that you’re the only employee they are looking for.

The word résumé originates from the French language that means “summary.” Even at this date, the main purpose behind writing a resume is to give your employers the chance to know you well.

A resume is subdivided into the following five parts:

  • Contact information
  • Introduction
  • Academic background
  • Work experience
  • Skills

6 key elements your resume must-have.

If you are intensively looking for someone who can “fix my resume” for you then you need to have a look around and hire the best resume writers. These wizardly writers will sew your skills, talent, education, and competencies in your resume meeting all your requirements.


But if you are willing to compose your resume then you need to consider these 6 major elements that we are listing below. Go through these to get a command over writing a resume.


1. Add your contact information

Your first and last name, address, email id, and contact number should all be included in the contact section of your resume.

You can just mention your city and state if you don’t feel comfortable entering your full home address. You can also add your social media platforms, blog, or website, depending on the position you’re looking for.

2. Include a Resume profile, summary, or objective

Once you have provided your contact information, it is time to mention a resume objective, summary, or profile that depends on your goals and preferences. Although these describe the reason you are applying or your employment goals. It is on you to pick any one of these options. Write a maximum of 2-3 sentences under the respective heading.

  • Resume Profile: A resume profile gives a hint about your experience and skills related to the job you are applying for. But keep on your mind, you need to write a new resume profile every time you are applying for a new job position.
  • Resume Objective: Another optional section that you can include in your resume is resume objective. It tells the employers about your goals that align well with the job position you are applying for. You need to edit this section whenever you are applying for a new job.
  • Resume Summary: It is a summary of your resume including; your skills, achievements, and job experience concerning the position they are applying for.


3. Experience

Your resume must include your experience section that goes well with the position you are applying for.

You can include the names of the companies, the job position you have worked for, and the particular duties you have performed at each corporation.


4. Education

To write about your education is an important part to be included in your resume. You can add the degrees you have got. This can encompass your school, and college from where you have graduated.

But make sure not to add unnecessary education background to your resume. If you are applying for an architecture job, then no need to add your teaching experience.

5. Skills

In the skills section, you can include your unique skills as they pertain to the job you’re looking for. Computer skills, technical capabilities, and soft skills that are directly relevant to the profession are some of the talents you might add to your resume.

How do you know which skills are best? You may use the job description as a guide to choose which abilities are most important to include.

6. Many options to be added

You have still a list of options to be added to your resume. Make your resume appealing to your potential employer.

You can include publications, honors, testimonials, or the languages that you have learned. Let us say if you are doing a job in Dubai, and you have a command over French and German language – write it down in your resume without wasting any more minutes.


Writing a resume is a stressful part of the career. But you can not run away from this reality. Although by hiring a professional resume writing service to write your resume can be a perfect decision from your side. And if you are willing to write your resume for your dream job then we have mentioned above some elements that can give a boost to your professional career.

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