
How To Choose a Right Tablet for Yourself?

In this age, where everything is turning to digital. There is vital of role of gadgets and devices in the lifestyle. Tablet or tab is the innovation which comes functionality of mobile and laptop. If you want to buy one.

Here is what you need to consider before choosing one:

1. Processor

Processor power is one of the main characteristics of a high-quality tablet, since outdated hardware will not allow you to quickly load programs, switch between browser tabs and skip movies. In other words, usability depends on it.

The most popular among manufacturers are ARM-based processors licensed by Cortex, while Qualcomm and MediaTek are the leaders among the companies that produce hardware for tablets. It is not difficult to understand the speed of processors, since the whole variety of models falls into 3 categories:

4-core: Faster processors that are capable of running a browser, movie or music player, and most 2D and 3D games at the same time. It is recommended to pay attention to tablets with such a processor if there is no need to run complex heavy programs.

6, 8-core: The most powerful processors found in expensive tablets. They are too strong for watching movies, photos and reading the Internet, most of the possibilities are revealed in 3D games and applications like Photoshop, which are demanding on performance.

Despite the number of cores, the final performance depends on the full equipment of the tablet. Even a powerful processor will not help if there is not enough RAM and you have a small, dim display.

2. RAM

Random access memory is the most important component responsible for the performance of the tablet. With its help, the processor exchanges data with the software, and if there is not enough RAM, the gadget will start to noticeably slow down and freeze. If you want to choose a good tablet then go for Huawei pad for an ultimate experience. The more applications and tabs the user is going to open, the more RAM should be. All tablets have approximately the same amount of memory and can be divided into the following categories:

4 GB: Users call this amount of memory the most comfortable. 4 gigs are enough to not think about the number of open applications. There are delays, but rarely, mainly when launching demanding games.

6 GB: The standard minimum for good gaming devices. This amount of RAM will allow you to easily run any game projects and comfortably watch movies with a resolution higher than the classic Full HD.

8 GB or more: This amount of RAM is required for professional tablets designed for graphic designers who simultaneously use several resource-demanding applications at the same time.

3. Battery

Inexpensive tablets usually have a 2000-2500 mAh battery. It can work up to 4 hours under light load (listening to music, watching movies or pictures). If Wi-Fi is turned on or the brightness is set to maximum, the battery lasts for 60 minutes. This may be enough for a child, but is unlikely to be suitable for work or travel. In addition, the operating time is gradually reduced as all batteries are worn out.

High-quality tablets usually have batteries with a capacity of 4000 mAh or more. This is enough for 7-10 hours of battery life. The more expensive models are supplied with a battery with a capacity of up to 8000 mAh, it can hold a charge for 24 hours. For long journeys, it is recommended to pay attention to powerful batteries. You can extend the battery life by excluding Wi-Fi and lowering the display brightness.

If autonomy is important for the buyer, then the processor architecture should also be taken into account. Even an inexpensive tablet can have modern hardware that quickly opens applications, but at the same time saves power. Chips with the smallest technical process do their best.

4. Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G

For most users, it is important that you can access the Internet from your tablet at any time. To do this, the following modules are installed in the device, which are currently available in almost all gadgets: 3G, 4G, WiFi and Bluetooth.

Only the cheapest tablets work only with Wi-Fi, but the number of such devices is gradually decreasing and soon they will completely leave the market. When buying a tablet, it is important to check the LTE bands that the device interacts with, since there are Chinese models that do not support the bands common in Russia.

The last thing you should pay attention to when accessing the Internet is at what frequency the interface works. There are only two popular ones: 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz. The second option is better if the tablet is used at home or in large shopping centers / offices. 5 GHz appeared first and is now very congested and interferes more often.

5. Additional features

The cost of the tablet directly depends on the additional features. We looked at 4 main parameters that most affect the price:

MicroSD support: Any tablet has an internal memory for storing information, it is called persistent. It is loaded with the operating system, music, applications, documents and any user files. The memory can be expanded using microSD cards. However, some manufacturers (for example, Apple) do not make tablets with such slots.

GPS: Most modern tablets have a GPS function, but some still have a built-in radio module. This means that navigation will only be available when there is access to the network.

Camera: There are not many tablets on the market with a decent camera, and even the expensive options don’t match the quality of smartphones. The most popular solution is optical modules with a resolution of 8 pixels, in cheaper models it is 5-6 pixels. Budget gadgets are generally not able to take a high-quality photo, there is a lot of noise and little sharpness in the images.

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